“I just wanted to quickly share that we had our planning committee wrap up meeting today and needless to say you were a HIT! So many attendees have commented that they were really inspired by your story and thought you were an amazing speaker. Seriously, thank you so much and if there is ever a chance to partner in the future, I would love to!
“Janine’s strength exemplifies the memory of her sister, and affirms the journey that many survivors and victims of domestic violence have to face on their journey from beyond fear to freedom. Her courage to share her story as well as her sister’s is heart wrenching but also a message of hope, a reminder that the fight must continue.”
It was awe inspiring the way that Janine Latus shares the story of her life. She shares the multiple times she has faced sexual assault and domestic violence with an ease that belies the courage that it takes to share. She brings to the forefront issues that women have been told “not to talk about” while explaining the multiple kinds of domestic violence women suffer and offering guidance in ways to seek help. Unfortunately, all the people that need to hear this information will not. All those suffering will not be saved; but for those that are lucky enough to attend an event by Janine, they will have a better chance of survival. It should also be noted that you do not have to be a victim of domestic violence personally to attend a domestic violence event, the information shared will help to identify different types of domestic violence and enable you to help others.

“Janine Latus’ “We Need To Talk” is a riveting address that needs to be heard more than once. It is a courageous conversation that appeals to all communities.”
“I want to thank you for your powerful story. Your story and words made me realize how much abuse I have escaped in past relationships. The (not so) little things that I believed was love and how I deserved to be loved was not real and I had always blamed myself. Your words helped me realize that it was not my fault which has lifted so much weight off my shoulders. I cannot truly express how much it means to hear your story. Thank you again.”
“Janine Latus is an incredible story-teller with an imperative message to share with your community – we need to talk about sexual and relationship violence. Her ability to turn trauma into opportunity and pain into passion is remarkable and inspiring. I am confident that her story and delivery left our college students with vital tools to cultivate and uphold our values of community and respect by being vigilant of warning signs, intervening safely, and demonstrating continuous support.”
—Natasha M Moreno, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Thank you for sharing your story last night at the YWCA’s Women of Excellence. I have lost several friends to domestic violence. I used to be one of those people who just didn’t get why a woman stayed until I got older and saw the way abusers manipulate their victims. My deepest condolences to you for your sister but she still lives on through you and your story. I wholeheartedly believe everyone can do something to save even just one person. Thank you again.
“Janine Latus is a powerful speaker. She tells her story and that of her sister with so much truth and confidence. She is an amazing presenter and a woman of substance. Janine is the epitome of what our society needs today. She spreads awareness and puts the word out there. She saves one life at a time by bringing to light the horrors in our community as well as ways to identify them and work to eradicate them. Getting to hear her speak is a once in a lifetime opportunity that no individual should miss out on!”
Janine Latus is an amazing speaker, particularly when it comes to the topics relating to intimate partner violence. Her knowledge and expertise on the subject were evident during her talk at our event in 2023. Not only that, but she also played a crucial role in making the event a resounding success as a fundraiser. If you’re looking for a speaker who can share insights into intimate partner violence and inspire you to make a difference, Janine Latus is an excellent choice.

“I was really impressed by Ms. Latus’ presentation to our high school students. It was raw, honest, and powerful. Our students felt the same. I would highly recommend her presentation to any group of young people.”
As Janine began to speak about her journey through the horrors of domestic violence in her life she shared about the types of abuse. She spoke of sexual abuse, financial abuse, cyber manipulation, and of course emotional and physical abuse. I sat there spellbound as well, and watched the entire audience sit wide-eyed, silent and captivated. Seeing the power and control wheel was new information to most of the people. The entire presentation was professional, personal and riveting.
Janine, you have my admiration, and respect for your ability to communicate what it is like to go through domestic violence. I could feel those feelings as you spoke myself.”
“When I watched Janine’s TedTalk, I was compelled to call her immediately to discuss booking her for our student-athletes. Her story is gripping. Her presentation provides many opportunities for students and staff to learn the often insidious nature of unhealthy relationships as well as ways to intervene with friends and family who may be in an unhealthy relationship. I highly recommend Janine for education in this area.”
“We used Janine as our Keynote for our largest fundraiser of the year. We wanted to normalize topics of abuse like domestic violence in the community to spread awareness about resources. We want people to know that they are not alone. Janine’s story resonates with audiences to put into perspective the value of victim service providers, like the YWCA Greater Harrisburg. Her presentation is heartfelt and brings awareness to the darkest of outcomes involving intimate partner abuse. Janine spent time both before and after the event with our attendees. She posed for pictures and even signed copies of her book. Utilizing her as our keynote was worth the investment.”
“Ms. Latus was an excellent speaker. Her message is an important one. She reminds us that domestic violence can happen in any relationship or family without regard to status, socio-economic level, or educational background. Her personal story of loss is extremely compelling and highlights the complex issues related to physical and sexual abuse. Her presentation provided a unique insight to not only recognize abuse but also served as a call to action to combat this epidemic problem. Her presentation is a must-see for all who work within the criminal justice system.”
“Janine was the keynote speaker for our inaugural luncheon celebrating survivors of domestic abuse and their journeys forward. She gave a moving, captivating, and emotional address to our 330 guests. Because of her storytelling and talents, Janine helped AVDA raise over $300,000. We are grateful for her and would recommend hiring her at your next fundraising event.”
Speaker Janine Latus Weaves a Spellbinding Narrative
Speaker Janine Latus contributed to our knowledge of Abuse at our November 14 th AAUW meeting by speaking about her New York Times best-selling book, If I Am Missing or Dead: A Sister’s Story of Love, Murder, and Liberation. Latus’s presentation involved the telling of this difficult story with a mastery of timing, tension, and perspicacity. She revealed that victimization is often characterized by a lack of awareness of what is, and what is not, acceptable behavior in relationships. Through her narrative, she expressed how important it is to establish boundaries so one does not find themselves in the depths of an abusive or violent relationship. She also presented the “Power of Control Wheel,” a guide used by the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence to help a person recognize the signs that reveal offensive behavior, whether it’s emotional, physical, sexual, or financial in nature.
Following her presentation, Latus took questions, answering each one with expertise and clarity, giving insights that were to the benefit of anyone wishing to help stem the very serious problem of abuse. She requested that anyone who knows of a contact at a university where her message could be further distributed, to please let her know.

That was the most powerful and impactful session I have experienced in my life. I apologize if at the end I didn’t say much. I was at a loss for words and honestly just wanted people to sit with it and think about the impact of the session.
Let Janine know that people messaged me to tell me how incredible she is and how moved they were by the session
Janine Latus is a powerful activist who brought her story and advocacy to the University of South Alabama with truth, courage, passion, and a strong voice to help give a phenomenal talk as part of V-Day 2019. The audience responded deeply to her message, with many staying after the program to speak directly with Janine. We are thankful for her work and her visit to USA.
Janine was the keynote speaker for our annual Tribute to Women of Achievement event, and she was heart stopping. You could have heard a pin drop during her presentation as she had us all on the edge of our seats. Although her story is chilling, it is also very real and a powerful reminder that domestic violence lives among so many of us. Janine is an amazing speaker and one our audience won’t soon forget.
If you haven’t seen Janine Latus’ Presentation “If I am Missing or Dead, a story of Love, Murder & Liberation” you need to. 1/3 women, 1/4 men will or have experienced Domestic Violence. Janine’s compelling life story puts a face on these statistics. You’ll be reminded, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Thank you so much, Janine! We got so much fantastic feedback from last night. Our guests were truly moved by your remarks and wanted to hear more! Thanks to you we raised over $37,000 last night, well over our goal.
Janine’s unforgettable story of abuse is two-fold. First, she told of her personal abusive relationship … to the outside world, they looked perfect. They had a beautiful home, money, social status, all of the things that would reflect their affluent lifestyle. However, what people did not know about was his extremely controlling behavior.
Second, Ms. Latus told the heartfelt story about her sister Amy, whose abusive relationship ultimately led to her murder. Ms. Latus’ candor as the story unfolds draws the audience in. One can only imagine the emotions Janine felt as they looked desperately for her missing sister and later for the man who ended her life.
Ms. Latus is a gifted speaker and writer, but more importantly, Janine is a passionate advocate for domestic violence, who uses her gifts to educate the public and help others navigate through their own painful journey.
Janine is an amazing woman and poignant speaker. We were honored to feature her as our keynote at our signature fund raising event. Her speech was heart breaking and sobering, and truly inspirational. She is a survivor who motivated our attendees to donate more money and volunteer to support our mission. Based upon the feedback from our attendees, we know that her powerful message touched many hearts – a message that provides hope for anyone affected by domestic violence. Because of Janine, we raised more money this year than in the 22 year history of hosting our event.
I just wanted to let you know that the impact of your talk has been reverberating like a stone thrown into a pond. The splash was fantastic enough itself, but the ripples have been sobering and hopeful all at once.
I have received calls from attendees, one after the next, who want to help a friend, or a good friend’s sister or a sister’s good friend….We have been putting informational packets together not for clients—those, of course we have—but for the concerned loved ones who are tired of standing back shaking their heads and worrying, who heard the clarion call and feel inspired and empowered to do something to help. It’s very touching.
Your story sparked it in a big way. Thank you for mobilizing community members who feel helpless, as well as who knows how many actual victims in the audience.
So thankful to Janine Latus for being a part of the USA VDay 2014 cast for an inspiring and empowering performance of A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant & A Prayer! Janine was my friend and fellow warrior from ODU and she brought her story and advocacy to South Alabama with truth, courage, passion, and a strong voice to help give a phenomenal end V-Day 2014 and to the Half the Sky -Common Read/Common World program.
Janine Latus was our keynote speaker at Old Dominion University for Stalking Awareness Month. She later agreed to be our local, celebrity cast member in the ODU performance of The Vagina Monologues. In both instances, Janine brought enormous energy and enthusiasm to her speaking roles. The ODU community could easily relate to her genuine and compelling style. As a writer, speaker, advocate and educator on issues of sexual and relationship violence, Janine is the voice of many silenced survivors. She has found a powerful way to harness her passion, commitment and talent to change the world.
On behalf of the Domestic Violence program at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), We would like to extend our appreciation to Ms. Janine Latus for her presentation ̈A call to break the cycle of abuse: how do well-adjusted, successful women end up in strings of physically or emotionally abusive relationships?
The clever and compassionate narration of her sorrowful personal and family stories engaged the audience and contributed to create awareness of the Domestic Violence epidemic across generations,countries and cultural backgrounds. It also shed a light on what victims and their families go through when living under the terror of abuse and violence, as well as the process of identifying and trying to escape such perilous situations.
We were fortunate to have Ms. Latus as the keynote speaker for our Domestic Awareness Activities program of this year.
Thank you so much for speaking today. I had watched your talk online, but seeing you speak in person was even better. I know you must hear this everywhere, but you truly are inspiring. Thank you for speaking on behalf of all the victims of violence who do not have your gift. You are saving lives because of your calling and your love for your sister, which shows so clearly in your talk.
I have seldom heard the undergraduate students on our campus quieter than when Janine Latus was speaking to them. At the end of my class, students filed out, shaking her hand and offering their thanks. Over the course of the three days she spent on our campus, she spoke in five classes, at a campus-wide program, and with clients at our local women’s shelter. On campus, I frequently saw students talking with her privately, sometimes with tears in their eyes. Janine helps victims of abuse understand that they neither deserved nor provoked it, and she encourages them on their own healing journeys. She is generous with her time and talents and unwavering in her crusade to spare others what she and her sister Amy endured. Her message resonates long after she has gone.
Janine is an incredible speaker with a story that captivated a room of nearly 900 professional women at our annual Women Who Care Share Luncheon. You could hear a pin drop in the room as guests were transfixed by her emotional story. She helped us raise over $130,000 for the services we provide to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Her real life stories highlight the importance of services and community support for victims. After the event many guests stopped to purchase a book and share their story or gratitude with Janine. She truly touched the lives of our guests, we are so grateful for her courage to stand up and share her story.

Our audience was diverse including nationally prominent philanthropists, university students, gender and women’s studies scholars, and a diverse cross-section of leaders from our local community.
Janine spoke to all of them with a presentation that told her story, helped us all feel the presence of her sister Amy, who lost her life to intimate partner violence, and provided guidance about warning signs related to unhealthy or dangerous relationships. She is not only a great speaker, but wise and sensitive about how to tackle difficult topics with her audience. Before she left town a few listeners had already reached out to her, and many more went home with a better understanding of the danger of silence and the importance of recognizing the signs of abuse. This was a talk that can save lives.
We could not have chosen a better or more significant keynote presenter for our women’s and gender studies conference with an audience of students, faculty, community members and activists. Janine Latus uses the narrative of her own life and family losses to help other women and girls understand how intimate partner abuse can happen to anyone. She has the ability to engross her audience with an engaging yet candid style of delivery that ranks her as a first-class story and truth-teller. The question and answer period made it clear exactly how much impact she had on the young women who heard her and connected with her message. Later a medical doctor in the audience told me she planned to purchase a case of Janine’s book to hand to her patients.
Janine Latus was an incredible speaker for us in 2017. Of course sharing her sister’s tragic story was absolutely heart-wrenching, but what I found especially compelling was her own personal story of abuse which was less about the physical but more verbal abuse in her previous relationships. I can’t help but think this was eye-opening for some our attendees that may not have realized they could potentially be in the same situation. She was also willing to do whatever she could to support our cause be that interviews, additional intimate events to help raise more awareness an funds for the YWCA, etc.
Janine Latus delivers a powerful, sobering, yet inspirational keynote address. Her audience was riveted, hanging on her every word. I am so thankful she has shared her and her sister’s tragic story so she can help and offer hope to other women and children.
Even a month after she spoke at our event, her words still resonate in my head. Janine’s message is powerful and impactful and opens one’s eyes to the battle victims of domestic violence face every day against their abuser.
Author, speaker and domestic violence advocate, Janine Latus, knows how to tell a story and captivate an audience. She received a standing ovation moving many to tears. The audience clearly identified with Janine, realizing the serious nature of our organization’s work and as a result, were highly motivated to give. Within the window of a 1-hour luncheon program, Janine helped Interface raise an additional $25,000 for a net total of $80,000. These proceeds are vital to our ability to intervene when crisis occurs and prevent abuse from occurring in the first place including 24-hour crisis response and shelter programs, sexual abuse and teen dating violence prevention programs.
As a development professional for more than 17 years, I have worked with many celebrity guests and speakers; very few have captivated an audience and motivated the community to action like Janine Latus. As keynote speaker for the 2017 Women Against Violence luncheon, Janine took us along her tumultuous journey of sexual assault, violence, murder and ultimate survival. We sometimes forget how powerful words can be, until we hear someone as inspirational as Janine Latus. I was fortunate to see this firsthand when Janine’s words encouraged a guest at my table to speak out about her abuse and seek help. If not for Janine’s powerful delivery as a narrator, this young woman may have returned home to continued physical abuse or worse. Janine’s life experiences and the way she enthralls her audience reminds us why we chose to work in this field and continue to push that much harder to eradicate violence in all forms.
Janine Latus is an inspirational speaker. She will touch your heart and mind. You can hear a pin drop when she speaks and the sound of a standing ovation when she’s done. Do not hesitate to invite this very dynamic keynote speaker! She will move the audience into action.
I just wanted to say thank you for speaking at the naval base today. I was very touched/moved by you. You were AMAZING! I would love to have my wife listen to you if you ever come back to the area. Would you by chance know of or when you are coming back to CT? I was so moved by you today that I couldn’t wait to go home and tell her. I was completely speechless at the end of your talk. I wanted to shake your hand at the end, but the line was too long and I thought then that I would email you and show my appreciation. God Bless you.