"Janine Latus is the most compelling speaker on sexual assault and relationship abuse I've ever heard."

—U.S. Navy sailor, who is required to be anonymous.

Join the thousands who have been inspired to recognize relationship abuse, break free, intervene, and heal. Hire her to speak at your high school, university, military base or fund-raising event.

What people are saying

“Ms. Latus was an excellent speaker. Her message is an important one. She reminds us that domestic violence can happen in any relationship or family without regard to status, socio-economic level, or educational background. Her personal story of loss is extremely compelling and highlights the complex issues related to physical and sexual abuse. Her presentation provided a unique insight to not only recognize abuse but also served as a call to action to combat this epidemic problem. Her present… Read more
Jennifer GettleChief Deputy District AttorneyDauphin County