"Janine Latus is the most compelling speaker on sexual assault and relationship abuse I've ever heard."

—U.S. Navy sailor, who is required to be anonymous.

Join the thousands who have been inspired to recognize relationship abuse, break free, intervene, and heal. Hire her to speak at your high school, university, military base or fund-raising event.

What people are saying

We could not have chosen a better or more significant keynote presenter for our women’s and gender studies conference with an audience of students, faculty, community members and activists.  Janine Latus uses the narrative of her own life and family losses to help other women and girls understand how intimate partner abuse can happen to anyone. She has the ability to engross her audience with an engaging yet candid style of delivery that ranks her as a first-class story and truth-teller. The … Read more
Helen R. Klebesadel Director, Women's and Gender Studies Consortium Co-Chair 2018 4W Summit