"Janine Latus is the most compelling speaker on sexual assault and relationship abuse I've ever heard."
—U.S. Navy sailor, who is required to be anonymous.
Join the thousands who have been inspired to recognize relationship abuse, break free, intervene, and heal. Hire her to speak at your high school, university, military base or fund-raising event.
What people are saying
Speaker Janine Latus Weaves a Spellbinding Narrative Speaker Janine Latus contributed to our knowledge of Abuse at our November 14 th AAUW meeting by speaking about her New York Times best-selling book, If I Am Missing or Dead: A Sister’s Story of Love, Murder, and Liberation. Latus’s presentation involved the telling of this difficult story with a mastery of timing, tension, and perspicacity. She revealed that victimization is often characterized by a lack of awareness of what is, and what… Read more
GWA-AAUW Branch Meeting

“Janine Latus’ “We Need To Talk” is a riveting address that needs to be heard more than once. It is a courageous conversation that appeals to all communities.”
Simpdy MerelanViolence Prevention Program DirectorCentenary University
“Ms. Latus was an excellent speaker. Her message is an important one. She reminds us that domestic violence can happen in any relationship or family without regard to status, socio-economic level, or educational background. Her personal story of loss is extremely compelling and highlights the complex issues related to physical and sexual abuse. Her presentation provided a unique insight to not only recognize abuse but also served as a call to action to combat this epidemic problem. Her present… Read more
Jennifer GettleChief Deputy District AttorneyDauphin County
“I want to thank you for your powerful story. Your story and words made me realize how much abuse I have escaped in past relationships. The (not so) little things that I believed was love and how I deserved to be loved was not real and I had always blamed myself. Your words helped me realize that it was not my fault which has lifted so much weight off my shoulders. I cannot truly express how much it means to hear your story. Thank you again.”
Samantha MorrisSamantha MorrisCentenary University
Janine Latus is a powerful activist who brought her story and advocacy to the University of South Alabama with truth, courage, passion, and a strong voice to help give a phenomenal talk as part of V-Day 2019. The audience responded deeply to her message, with many staying after the program to speak directly with Janine. We are thankful for her work and her visit to USA.
Dr. Krista HarrellAssociate Dean of Students and Title IX CoordinatorUniversity of South Alabama
“Janine Latus is an incredible story-teller with an imperative message to share with your community – we need to talk about sexual and relationship violence. Her ability to turn trauma into opportunity and pain into passion is remarkable and inspiring. I am confident that her story and delivery left our college students with vital tools to cultivate and uphold our values of community and respect by being vigilant of warning signs, intervening safely, and demonstrating continuous support.” … Read more
Natasha M MorenoDeputy Title IX CoordinatorNebraska Wesleyan University
“Janine’s strength exemplifies the memory of her sister, and affirms the journey that many survivors and victims of domestic violence have to face on their journey from beyond fear to freedom. Her courage to share her story as well as her sister’s is heart wrenching but also a message of hope, a reminder that the fight must continue.”
Monica Kearney, MSWExecutive DirectorSafe Space, Inc.
Janine is an incredible speaker with a story that captivated a room of nearly 900 professional women at our annual Women Who Care Share Luncheon. You could hear a pin drop in the room as guests were transfixed by her emotional story. She helped us raise over $130,000 for the services we provide to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Her real life stories highlight the importance of services and community support for victims. After the event many guests stopped to purchase a book and… Read more
Catherine SalazarMarketing CoordinatorYWCA Oklahoma City
I have seldom heard the undergraduate students on our campus quieter than when Janine Latus was speaking to them. At the end of my class, students filed out, shaking her hand and offering their thanks. Over the course of the three days she spent on our campus, she spoke in five classes, at a campus-wide program, and with clients at our local women’s shelter. On campus, I frequently saw students talking with her privately, sometimes with tears in their eyes. Janine helps victims of abuse unders… Read more
Lana A. WhitedProfessor of English, Director of the Boone Honors Program, and campus advisor to Help Save the Next GirlFerrum College
As Janine began to speak about her journey through the horrors of domestic violence in her life she shared about the types of abuse. She spoke of sexual abuse, financial abuse, cyber manipulation, and of course emotional and physical abuse. I sat there spellbound as well, and watched the entire audience sit wide-eyed, silent and captivated. Seeing the power and control wheel was new information to most of the people. The entire presentation was professional, personal and riveting. Janine, you… Read more
Kathi DeClarkresident, and Chairman of the BoardFaith and Grace, Inc.Lake Havasu City A.Z