"Janine Latus is the most compelling speaker on sexual assault and relationship abuse I've ever heard."
—U.S. Navy sailor, who is required to be anonymous.
Join the thousands who have been inspired to recognize relationship abuse, break free, intervene, and heal. Hire her to speak at your high school, university, military base or fund-raising event.
What people are saying
We could not have chosen a better or more significant keynote presenter for our women’s and gender studies conference with an audience of students, faculty, community members and activists. Janine Latus uses the narrative of her own life and family losses to help other women and girls understand how intimate partner abuse can happen to anyone. She has the ability to engross her audience with an engaging yet candid style of delivery that ranks her as a first-class story and truth-teller. The … Read more
Helen R. Klebesadel Director, Women's and Gender Studies Consortium Co-Chair 2018 4W Summit
“Janine Latus is a powerful speaker. She tells her story and that of her sister with so much truth and confidence. She is an amazing presenter and a woman of substance. Janine is the epitome of what our society needs today. She spreads awareness and puts the word out there. She saves one life at a time by bringing to light the horrors in our community as well as ways to identify them and work to eradicate them. Getting to hear her speak is a once in a lifetime opportunity that no individual sh… Read more
Amarachi Chidi UnezecoordinatorNebraska Wesleyan’s chapter of It's On Us
Janine is an incredible speaker with a story that captivated a room of nearly 900 professional women at our annual Women Who Care Share Luncheon. You could hear a pin drop in the room as guests were transfixed by her emotional story. She helped us raise over $130,000 for the services we provide to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Her real life stories highlight the importance of services and community support for victims. After the event many guests stopped to purchase a book and… Read more
Catherine SalazarMarketing CoordinatorYWCA Oklahoma City
Janine Latus was an incredible speaker for us in 2017. Of course sharing her sister’s tragic story was absolutely heart-wrenching, but what I found especially compelling was her own personal story of abuse which was less about the physical but more verbal abuse in her previous relationships. I can’t help but think this was eye-opening for some our attendees that may not have realized they could potentially be in the same situation. She was also willing to do whatever she could to support… Read more
Mireya FitzloffEvent Chair & Board MemberYWCASpokane, WA
“When I watched Janine’s TedTalk, I was compelled to call her immediately to discuss booking her for our student-athletes. Her story is gripping. Her presentation provides many opportunities for students and staff to learn the often insidious nature of unhealthy relationships as well as ways to intervene with friends and family who may be in an unhealthy relationship. I highly recommend Janine for education in this area.”
Kate HickeySenior Associate Athletic DirectorRutgers University
Janine Latus delivers a powerful, sobering, yet inspirational keynote address. Her audience was riveted, hanging on her every word. I am so thankful she has shared her and her sister’s tragic story so she can help and offer hope to other women and children.
Erica HallockBoard MemberYWCASpokane, WA
“Ms. Latus was an excellent speaker. Her message is an important one. She reminds us that domestic violence can happen in any relationship or family without regard to status, socio-economic level, or educational background. Her personal story of loss is extremely compelling and highlights the complex issues related to physical and sexual abuse. Her presentation provided a unique insight to not only recognize abuse but also served as a call to action to combat this epidemic problem. Her present… Read more
Jennifer GettleChief Deputy District AttorneyDauphin County
As Janine began to speak about her journey through the horrors of domestic violence in her life she shared about the types of abuse. She spoke of sexual abuse, financial abuse, cyber manipulation, and of course emotional and physical abuse. I sat there spellbound as well, and watched the entire audience sit wide-eyed, silent and captivated. Seeing the power and control wheel was new information to most of the people. The entire presentation was professional, personal and riveting. Janine, you… Read more
Kathi DeClarkresident, and Chairman of the BoardFaith and Grace, Inc.Lake Havasu City A.Z
Author, speaker and domestic violence advocate, Janine Latus, knows how to tell a story and captivate an audience. She received a standing ovation moving many to tears. The audience clearly identified with Janine, realizing the serious nature of our organization’s work and as a result, were highly motivated to give. Within the window of a 1-hour luncheon program, Janine helped Interface raise an additional $25,000 for a net total of $80,000. These proceeds are vital to our ability to interve… Read more
Catherine L. KortFund Development & Marketing DirectorInterface Children & Family ServicesCamarillo, CA
It was awe inspiring the way that Janine Latus shares the story of her life. She shares the multiple times she has faced sexual assault and domestic violence with an ease that belies the courage that it takes to share. She brings to the forefront issues that women have been told “not to talk about” while explaining the multiple kinds of domestic violence women suffer and offering guidance in ways to seek help. Unfortunately, all the people that need to hear this information will not. All tho… Read more
Pam C.