Reaching Through B.A.R.S. to Build Better Lives

Gratitude prompted Mike O’Key to share an experience other people might hide. As a kid — 11 years old, going into seventh grade — he was incarcerated, spending a lot of time isolated in a cell with bars on the window at the C.A. Dillon Youth Development Center in Butner. But once every week or…

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Vineyard dogs: Meet the canine guardians of the vine

The vineyard dog is often as glamorized as the winemakers themselves, but really these animals are typically blue-collar farm dogs: loyal to their tasks and their humans, the bane of foraging creatures, the beloved heroes of the vines. SyrahGerman shepherd, 6Horton Vineyards, Gordonsville I want grapes. All the grapes. But the humans say no. They…

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Why I Write

Why I Write Image

People ask me why I write and I ask how can you not? How do you make sense of the world, hang it on a pegboard with outlines, turn it over in your hands or pin it to the wall to examine later, without the writing of words? Words are my tools and my toys.…

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Distinction Travel: The two sides of Curaçao


For travelers seeking something a little different, this former Dutch colonial outpost offers culture and luxury. WILLEMSTAD, CURAÇAO | The drive into the capital of Curaçao, the Dutch Caribbean outpost that is the “C” in the ABC islands, allows you to pass by the usual colorful privation of the Caribbean, tiny houses of cracked cinderblocks…

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Brave Hearts

Brave Hearts Story Image

More than a decade ago, my youngest sister, Amy, went through a divorce. It was a painful thing — the first in the family — and she was scared. “How will I live on what I earn?” she asked. “How will I manage everything that has to be done?” To me it was obvious. She…

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